Semantography - English Dictionary: Symbol Elements Section

The following table shows the first part of the first "preliminary" dictionary section.

The first "preliminary" dictionary section deals with the symbol elements.

For an explaination of the rules of the dictiorary please click here.


  1. BPB: Blissymbols Picture Book
  2. FB: Book to the Film 'Mr. Symbol Man'
  3. SB: Semantography Blissymbolics
  4. BEST: Bliss-Everingham Symbol Table
  5. SS: Semantography Series

Important Notes

  • The symbols are copies from The Blissymbol Picture Book as they are well drawn with the dotted lines. However, in volume 1 of the Blissymbol Picture Book there is a section entitled "Make Haste Charles" (pages 13 and 14). He states that his helpers are finding errors that require correction. Charles replies that the corrections would take much time. Let them stay and let's get on with the work. Some symbols, like drink and needy and the helper, are errors that were not corrected.
  • I have to find a way to categorize the parts of speech, like articles and prepositions. Charles does not address this issue in my notes. Originally I placed them all under the thing category, but that did not seem correct. At the moment I am putting them under a category entitled parts of speech.

dot Symbols that include the dot.
comma Symbols that include the comma.
exclamation mark Symbols that include the exclamation mark.
question mark Symbols that include the question mark.
short vertical line Symbols that include the vertical short line.
long vertical line Symbols that include the vertical long line.
120° line short right to left Symbols that include the 120° short line.
120° line long Click here for 120° long line symbols.
45° line short right to left Click here for the 45° line short symbols.
45° line long right to left Click here for 45° line from upper right to lower left, long symbols.
short horizontal Click here for short horizontal line symbols.
long horizontal Click here for long horizontal line symbols.
45° line short right to left Click here for 45° line short right to left symbols.
45° line long right to left Click here for these symbols.
60° line short Click here for 60° symbols.
60° line long Click here for 60° line long symbols.
Ellipse, Half Left-Facing, Small Click here for half ellipse, facing left, short symbols.
ellipse half facing left Click here for half ellipse facing left.
Ellipse, Half Right-Facing, Small Click here for half ellipse facing right short.
ellipse half facing right Click here for half ellipse facing right.
fire Click here for symbols that include the fire symbol.
Ellipse, Half, Open-Bottom, Small Click here for symbols that include the ellipse, half bottom-facing symbol.
Ellipse, Open-Top, Small Click here for symbols that include the ellipse, half top-facing symbol.
wave, middle Click here for symbols that include the water (wave) symbol.
quarter circle ne Click here for quarter circle north east symbols.
quarter circle nw Click here for quarter circle north west symbols.
quarter circle sw Click here for quarter circle south west symbols.
quarter circle se Click here for quarter circle south east symbols.
half small circle open at bottom high Click here for half circle open bottom, small symbols.
ear Click here for ear symbols.
heart Click here for heart symbols.
half small circle open  top middle Click here for half circle, small, open at top symbols.
half small circle open left Click here for half circle, open at left, small symbols.
half small circle open right Click here for half circle, open at right, small symbols.
half circle Click here for half open bottom circle symbols.
bowl Click here for half open top circle symbols.
half circle vertical Click here for the half circle facing left symbol.
half circle vertical Click here for the half circle facing right symbol.
three-quarter circle Click here for three-quarter circle symbols.
circle, small Click here for the small circle symbols.
large circle Click here for the large circle symbols.


Click here for symbols with numbers.


Click here for symbols with letters.