Semantography - English Dictionary: Line, Vertical, Long

The first "preliminary" dictionary section deals with the long vertical line symbol elements.

For an explaination of the rules of the dictiorary please click here.


  1. BPB: Blissymbols Picture Book
  2. FB: Book to the Film 'Mr. Symbol Man'
  3. SB: Semantography Blissymbolics
  4. BEST: Bliss-Everingham Symbol Table
  5. SS: Semantography Series

Symbol thing action adverb plural Part of Speech Notes Reference
long vertical line
long vertical line stick, staff, line, wire, string, hair elongate, to, straighten, to straight, linear lines SB 278
repeat thing repeated, copy, repetition repeat, to, copy, to repeatedly copies SB 283
limits limits, frontiers limit, to limited limits, as in plural SB 283
before before BPB 528
after after BPB 544
deep deep, the deepen, to deep BPB 538
between between BPB 526
narrow narrow BPB 540
thin thin BPB 542
wide wide BPB 540
thick thick BPB 542
stand Click here for standing symbols. stand, to BPB 210
person Click here for individual symbols. individual; person BPB 214
big big BPB 206
chair chair BPB 89
addition addition add, to additionally BPB 360
through through BPB 548
start start start, to BPB 336
stop stop stop, to BPB 336
possess_to_with_lines possession possess, to BPB 480
express train express train BPB 548
tram stop tram stop BPB 540
arrival arrival arrive, to BPB 548
flag flag arrive, to BPB 182
customs customs BPB 514
entry visa entry visa BPB 514
paper, page paper, page BPB 166
theatre ticket theatre ticket BPB 558
paper money paper money BPB 552
open Symbols that include the opening symbol. opening, an open, to openings BPB 532
door Symbols that include the door symbol. door doors BPB 75
room Symbols that include the room symbol. room rooms BPB 78
enclosure Symbols that include the enclosure symbol. enclosure, box closed enclosures BPB 78
book Symbols that include the book symbol. book books BPB 120
window window BPB 77
window seat window seat BPB 544
hand Symbols that include the hand symbol. hand BPB 120
bed Symbols that include the bed symbol. bed beds BPB 91
medical Symbols that include the medical symbol. medicine medical SB 404
up Symbols that include the up arrow symbol. upward up BPB 6
down Symbols that include the down arrow symbol. downward down BPB 6
opposite meaning Symbols that include the opposite symbol. opposite meaning BPB 394
money Symbols that include the money symbol. money BPB 116
grape grape BPB 556
wine wine BPB 322
beer beer BPB 322
railway engine railway engine BPB 166
railway station railway station BPB 548
express train express train BPB 500
timetable for trains timetable for trains BPB 540
taxi taxi BPB 544
tree tree BPB 510
grove grove BPB 354
forest forest BPB 354
park park BPB 510
self self BPB 550
selfish selfish BPB 550
responsibility responsibility reponsible BPB 550
reservation reservation BPB 542
January January BPB 275
February February BPB 275
night night BPB 186
life life BPB 183