Semantography - English Dictionary: Exclamation Mark Section

The first "preliminary" dictionary section deals with symbols that include the exclamation mark.

For an explaination of the rules of the dictiorary please click here.


  1. BPB: Blissymbols Picture Book
  2. FB: Book to the Film 'Mr. Symbol Man'
  3. SB: Semantography Blissymbolics
  4. BEST: Bliss-Everingham Symbol Table
  5. SS: Semantography Series

Symbol thing action adverb plural Part of Speech Notes Reference
exclamation mark
no no Exclamation: no BPB 17
yes yes Exclamation: yes BPB 17
slap slap slap, to BPB 316
hit hit hit, to BPB 316
punch punch punch, to BPB 316
alarm alarm BPB 550
fire alarm fire alarm BPB 550
listen listen listen, to BPB 548
speak up speak up speak up, to BPB 556
cry cry cry, to BPB 556
shout shout shout, to BPB 556
yell yell yell, to BPB 556
look look look, to BPB 548