Semantography Series: 101 to 200

Series Number Title Pages Comments
101 Catalog of the Second Hundred Issues of the Semantography Series 6
102 Newspaper Articles and Notes before the First Lecture on Semantography 1943 4
103 The First Lecture on Semantography 1943 10 Notes written by Charles on the eve of his first Semantography lecture, given February 23, 1943 in Shanghai. The notes include many symbols that Charles subsequqently changed, especially symbols relating to good and evil.
104 Newspaper Articles and Notes following the First Lecture on Semantography 1943 - 1945 12
105 Sydney Newspaper Articles 1946 on Semantography 2
106 An Appeal to Youth for Semantography (1946) 2
107 A new method to bring General Semantics into Primary School Education - Summary of a Lecture 1
108 A new method to bring General Semantics into Primary School Education - text of a Lecture 5
109 The Communist Review of Sydney Condemns Semantography 1
110 Semantography and Professor Willard Quinne 2
111 Patent Specification for a Typewriter for Semantography 1
112 Semantography and the Librarian's Problems 2
113 Semantography and Professor A. P. Elkin 2
114 Semantography and Sydney University Student Papers 2
115 Semantography and Stuart Chase 7
116 Semantography and Professor Anatol Rapoport 2
117 Semantography and Professor G. Patrick Meredith 6
118 A Simple Semantics for the Citizen, a Logic for the People 4
119 Semantography and the Nuffield Foundation 24
120 Introduction to 'Semantography and the Ultimate Meanings of Mankind' 5 This is the start of an excellent series on Charles' meeting with Julian Huxley.
121 An Introduction to Semantics 4
122 Bliss' Letter to Julian Huxley 2
123 Notes for the Meeting with Julian Huxley 10 Some general symbols starting page 3.
124 Report on the Meeting with Huxley 8
125 The Symbols for Evolution and Creation, Natural and Supernatural 1-40 As the title says, a treatise on the Blissymbols for evolution and creation.
125 The Symbols for Evolution and Creation, Natural and Supernatural: Continuation 41-82
126 Letter to the Subscribers of the Huxley Issues 1
127 Second Letter to the Subscribers of the Huxley Issues 1
128 Semantography for Psychologists 4
129 Explaining Semantography to an American Magazine Writer 2
130 Selling Semantography to America 18
131 How to Help a New Idea Along 1
132 Semantography in "Defence" of the Professors 12
133 Professor Carlton Washburne and Semantography 3
134 A "Brief" on Semantography 4 Some basic symbol elements.
135 A "Brief" on on the Semantics of Semantography 6 Some basic symbol elements.
136 Is Chinese Writing Really a Picto-Ideography? 2
137 UNESCO's Futile Attempts at a Scientific Abstracting Service and Semantography 6
138 God, Huxley, and the Level Crossing Smash 10
139 Julian Huxley and Semantography 2
140 A Linguist's Reaction to Semantography 4
141 Dr. Irving Langmuir and Semantography 4
142 Logic without Tears 2
143 Julian Huxley Answers 15
144 Semantography Symbols and Road Safety in New South Wales 8
145 The Commonwealth Literary Fund and Semantography 9
146 The Story of a Newspaper Article on Semantography for Road Safety Signs 11 Symbols related to road safety
147 Professor Lancelot Hogben and Semantography 25 Variety of symbol descriptions, including symbols for farming.
148 Semantography is the Coming Tool for Science, Industry, Education and Communication 1
149 A New Symbolism for Mankind 1
150 Unified Symbolism for World Understanding in Science 52
151 The Education Department of New South Wales and Semantography 14
152 A Submission on Semantography 6
153 Draft of the Speech on Semantography 10
154 Corrections of the Official Record 12 Symbol descriptions, primarily to do with the mind.
155 Official Record 7
156 Arthur E. Morgan's Book "Search for Purpose" 18
157 Semantography - Brochure 2
158 The Swedish Cooperative Movement and Semantography 11
159 An International Language for Medicine or Semantography 2
160 Professor Lyman Bryson and Semantography 4
161 Symbolism, Semantics, Semantography, and Socal Synthesis 14
162 5me Congrès de l'association pour l'étude scientifique du symbolisme 2
163 Catalogue of the Publications on Semantography 6
164 Semantics and Psychiatry 7 Written by Dr. Douglas Everingham.
165 Sydney University Lecture on Semantography 18 Several pages of symbol explanations, based on seven problems.
166 The United Nations Organization and Semantography 12
167 Out of Print 1
168 Semantography and the Australian UNESCO Authorities 8
169 Reviews of Publications on Semantography 1950-1960 8
170 Bertrand Russell and Semantography 19 Includes a short letter (pp. 11) written in Blissymbols + several pages of symbol explanations.
171 Out of Print 1 When I visited Bliss' sorage shed (after his death) this was what I retrieved.
171 Seven Letters on Semantography and Relativity to Albert Eistein 12 I subsequently discovered I had the complete document (purchased at some point prior).
172 Semantography and Neurath's Isotypes 28 Several pages of symbol explanations (starting pp. 16)
173 Semantography and the Australian National University 23
174 Out of Print 1
175 Semantography and the Illiteracy Problem in Australia New Guinea 16
176 Semantography, Basic English, C.K.Ogden and I.A. Richards 3
177 Semantography, the Australian Professoriate and the Senate ot the Sydney University 29 Several pages of symbol explanations (starting pp. 14); pp. 17 includes warning symbols.
178 Some Exponents of the International Language Movement and Semantography 44
179 A Challenge to Every Linguist 4
180 Semantography and the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) 11
In one of these series (my apologies but I have lost my reference notes) Charles says he will stop writing to 'experts' and focus his energies on revenue generating activities. These were to be primarily tutorial documents. While he did not keep his vow to stop writing to experts, he did generate a number of large tutorial-like documents. These include 'A Blissymbolics Primer' (series 186 - total pages 80) and 'Everyone's Simple Logic and Semantics' (series 203 - total pages 249). Another development is the writing of a number of autobiographical documents, including 'In Memory of Clair' (series 210 - total pages 113).
181 Are Educators Interested in New Ideas in Education? 36 Includes letters, in Blissymbols, written to and from two 12 year old girls, along with symbol explanations (starting pp.7)
182 Semantography and the Large Typewriter Companies 18
183 Professor Stuart C. Rodd's Model English and TILP 12
184 Scholars and Semantography 24
185(a) Professor Oliver L. Reiser, his World Sensorium and Semantography 26
185 Professor Reiser's World Creature 11
186 Part 1 A Blissymbolics Primer Part 1 1-44 The first substantial tutorial written by Charles (apart from his books). Symbol discussions do not start until page 13, but there are a lot of symbols in this tutorial.
186 Part 2 A Blissymbolics Primer Part 2 45-80 For the sake of uploading, the primer has been divided into two parts. In reality it is one complete booklet.
187 'Bliss' and Blabla 49
188 India and Semantography 11 Reprint from Darshana an International Quarterly of Philosopy, Psychology, Psychical Research, Religion, Mysticism and Sociology
189 A Semantic Analysis of the Scientific Ballyhoo on Nuclear Weapons 28
190 The U.S. Armed Forces and Semantography 6
191 Semantography and the Road Safety Authorities 6
192 Brandeis University and Bliss 9
193 Philosphers and Semantography 20 Starting on page 9 Charles responds to a letter written in Blissymbols.
194 Semantography and American Magazines 17
195 Semantography and Machine Translation 10
196 Scholarly Lunacy 12
197 Revolt Against the Educators and a Jury for the Genius 1-26
197 Revolt Against the Educators and a Jury for the Genius 27-50
198 The Writing of Tomorrow 2
199 Report and Reflections on the Foregoing Issues No. 101 - 198 (including S.S. No. 200) 20
200 From World Writing To Bliss 2